Back in the day, the early ‘70s if you want to be precise, as the summer of love was gently receding in the rearview mirror, a person would go to The Gap for two things: a pair of jeans and an LP record. To some that might have seemed like an odd mashup of stuff. But if there are two things that most definitely go together it’s denim and music. Your second skin and your personal soundtrack. Both inextricable to your sense of who you are, who you want to be.
On Ylang: GAP denim jacket, High Rise Stride jeans; stylist’s own loafers.

Vintage GAP polo, courtesy of The Society Archive, GAP Mid Rise Baggy jeans and boxers; stylist’s own loafers.
The Gap was a cool place to get jeans — and it stocked all the sizes, to boot. Not just the most “common.” Or the most “average.” Because Gap (as it simply, affectionately, and iconically came to be called) knew then, as now, that we are, each one us, unique. And how you choose to wear your jeans is paramount to that. You care how they look and how they feel. How they make you feel. Your jeans take on the contours of your body, your indelible scent, your memories writ large in the creases. Finding your jeans isn’t just about finding your style — it’s about finding your self.

HOMMEGIRLS leather shirt; GAP ‘90s Loose jeans and crew socks; NILI LOTAN belt; and MANOLO BLAHNIK loafers, courtesy of Albright Fashion Library.
Left: GAP Modern Tee and Baggy Cargo Jeans. Right: HOMMEGIRLS bodysuit; GAP High Rise Stride Jeans; NILI LOTAN belt; and stylist's own heels.
The jeans photographed here play that heritage forward, in cuts and styles for 2024, but ingrained with the spirit of 1969. Because more than 50 years later, it’s still what makes Gap a cool place to shop for denim. And what HommeGirl doesn’t have a pair of jeans (or two or ten) in their closet? We are, afterall, different people on different days. Experimenting. Evolving. Becoming. Loose. Baggy. Superbaggy. Stride. All of us moving through the world to our own distinct beat, a different song playing in our heads.
Top row: GAP ‘90s Loose jeans and briefs; and CHANEL slingbacks, courtesy of Albright Fashion Library. Bottom row: GAP ‘90s Cargo Jeans; stylist's own t-shirt, and MANOLO BLAHNIK loafers, courtesy of Albright Fashion Library.